One Hope Cares
John 13:35 "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another".
One Hope Cares is the heart, hands and feet of our church. We show the love of Christ by assisting our members and our community in their need.
One Hope Cares is an active ministry of our church. We are called by Jesus to be characterized by our love as His disciples.
We collectvely strive to exercise a servant's heart, and one of generosity, as we give and serve both inside and outside the church.
Van Ministry
Need a ride to church? We provide free van transportation to church on Wednesday night and Sunday morning. Please CONTACT the church office for details.
IUP Students
We provide a free lunch and Bible study every Sunday morning after church. Come feed both your mind and stomach!
Holiday love baskets and Christmas gifts
We understand that the holidays can be an emotional, spiritual and financial strain on some families. Through One Hope Cares, we show the love of Christ by providing food baskets and Christmas gifts to our church families in need.
Through numourous community programs, Calvary strives to reach out and be involved. We are involved in and support such programs as ICCAP, The Souper Bowl, Lifeway Baby Bottles, and other local community organizations.